Help with improving the Polish KAD filterlist and the databases of other organisations and companies dealing with dangerous sites. Report them to us.
Phishing sites are submitted to: Netcraft, Google Safebrowsing, Phishtank, ESET, Symantec and Bitdefender. Some may also be reported directly to the administrator of the hosting where the scam is hosted for complete removal.
If you would like to help improve the list, you can report sites to the:
Email: emailGitHub:
or you can simply fill in the form available below.
If you believe that your site has been added to this list unjustifiably, or has changed its owner and/or its purpose, then please contact us directly by e-mail.
Please note that emails with bribery attempts will be ignored.
Before submitting, check if KAD is really active, you have the latest version of it and there is no identical submission on GitHub.
Your report will be forwarded to Cloudflare (Cloudflare privacy policy), and then published on GitHub (GitHub privacy policy).